Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Internet Millionaires? IT IS TRUE!

2 days ago, i bought a book.
(tbe2 rse cm rajin nk mmbace :P ) 

by Stuart Tan + Dylan Loh + Edmund Loh - Secretes Of Millionaire Students

its a great book!
its about internet marketing.
the makers of this book, not just an ordinary people.
they are the man! in this business.
now i know we really can make money through the internet.

sblm ni aku sgt2 x pcye mnde2 ni.
slalu jea tgk buku 'Rahsie Jutawan Internet' bla bla bla kn.
tp x pnah nk cye.
ble dh cm cube2 nk menceburi bidang ni, baru tau.
anda sume patut cuba!

well, bnyk persedian yg diperlukn klu nk ceburi bidang ni.
ilmu itu penting untuk survive.
klu perlukan guide ke ape, beli la buku 2.
sgt2 membantu.
dan yg paling2 penting - duit
sblm nk mulekn bidang ni, anda perlukan duit.
tp ade jea care untuk mulekan tnpa mengeluarkan duit.
yg mcm aku tgh wt skrg :D
so skrg, aku malas nk cite panjang2 psal mnde ni.
beli jea buku 2, buat sbgai rujukan. *promte
segale bukti, nasihat ade dlm bku 2.

a little bit of advises from me:
theres no such thing as instant cash or millionaire in 1 week
its a long term business.
u'll get the results in the future.
not tmrrw after u did it today.
faham kn?
jgn harapkn mnde2 cm kaye esok.
slalu rancang long term instead of short term.
cm study la.
struggle skrg, cemerlang kemudian.
in this case,
usaha skrg, kaya kemudian.

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